Dagogo Review of Au24 PowerChord

“The last thing I want to say about the sound with the Au24 powerChords in the system is just how much more listenable my system has become. With all the added detail and dynamics I have talked about, it still seems to present music in a more relaxed way. It’s as if the system doesn’t have to work as hard to produce this great sound, and the result is it sounds more like live music.”
Jack Roberts – Dec ’09 
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aR6-T Testimonial, November 2009

John – I just wanted to tell you that I upgraded from the AR6 to the 6t about a week ago and I am frankly astounded. The system sounds as if I replaced every component, the amplifier, cd player, turntable and phono preamp with ones costing twice as much. I hesitate to say it, but it sounds like a different system. Bigger, more palpable, quieter, better vocals, better instrumental timbres… While it’s not a cheap upgrade, the fact that it upgrades every component I plugged into it makes it a relative bargain. I know this is supposed to have a long break-in, but within 6 days it is unequivocally far superior to the AR6. The first few days were admittedly a bit rocky. So that’s it. I know you recommend the AU24 power cord and I think I’m going to save up for it. This is one incredibly good product. Thanks,

Marc — November 09

Sounstage Reviewers’ Choice for LSA 8+8, August 2009

“I’ve heard a number of speakers that go for six digits a pair, and some that cost more than ten times the ClairAudients’ price. But I can’t think of a single speaker I’ve heard that has combined all the strengths of the ClairAudient LSA8+8 so spectacularly. It may well be the most neutral speaker I’ve ever heard, and it puts everything together to present memorable, moving, magnificent musical moments. Absolutely glorious, and an easy Reviewers’ Choice.”
Vade Forrester, Soundstage – August ’09
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Positive Feedback Review of LSA 16+16 Loudspeakers, July 2009

“That’s what these newly crafted, supremely buffed and tweaked ClairAudient “LSA 16+16″ bi-pole speakers concoct: tactile musical force of a sort that makes it impossible for any music lover not to be sucked in, swept up, and transformed emotionally into immediate proximity with surging musical grooves and lyrical kaleidoscopes of shifting melodic shapes.”
Jim Merod – July ’09
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Avguide.com Review of Au24 e Cable

“The sound is fast, airy, and punchy. I liked the way it opens up the soundstage, particularly on classical music, where it allows you to hear row after row of an orchestra. Overall, the soundstage seems to be deeper than it is wide. Tonality is beyond reproach. It captures the bore of an instrument with great fidelity. What about bass? Can a diminutive cable create a big sound? Judging by the impact of the Au24, the answer is emphatically yes.”
Jacob Heilbrunn –July ’09 Read Full Review


The Absolute Sound Review of LSA 4+4’s, June 2009

Robert Harley Blogs Audience
“The LSA4+4 sounded like a full-range speaker in every way, but with a coherence and seamlessness that was undoubtedly due to the lack of crossovers and disparate drivers. The midrange was palpable and immediate without sounding forward or emphasized. The top end had a full measure of detail and resolution, without the lack of air and extension I’ve heard in the past from full-range drivers. But the most surprising aspects of the LSA4+4 were its bass and dynamics. The bottom-end exhibited real weight and body, with a wonderful palpability of instrumental texture on acoustic bass. Similarly, the system was very quick, dynamic, and agile, with impact behind musical peaks.”
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Robert Harley, Editor – June 22, ‘09

Customer Service Testimonial, June 2009

Hello Dan, Just received the reterminated PowerChord e from you, so neatly packaged, looks brand new, with a nicely designed receipt. Total class act. This Powerchord completes my system with all Au24 interconnects, speaker wire, and an aR6 Adept Response power conditioner.

The clarity and spaciousness of my system is now mind boggling, beyond expectation, even with 10 to 25 year old early DDD and ADD classical recordings, and the cables are not even at full break-in. But, on a recently made recording of Ben Zander’s Mahler 4th on Telarc, the sense of realism was completely unbelievable and spine-tingling. Another major and unanticipated step up, demonstrating even more the highly refined sound quality enabled by Audience equipment — total clarity, balance, everything in complete and natural sounding 3D on a 2-channel system. With Audience cables and conditioner, the Levinson electronics and Meridian CDP are now able to deliver the refined sound quality inherent in their design. The Thiels are now smooth at the top, especially in the violins, and there is so much sense of surround that it’s startling, even without applying your Auric Illuminator to the CD. It sounds unbelievably close to a live concert.

Before upgrading to this system, I had no idea what good interconnects could do, and doubted strongly I could ever hear any improvement from a power conditioner. But wow — glad I decided to spring for all Audience cables and the aR6. Even though my home system provides me with adictively wonderful musical experiences, the increase in sound quality has inspired me to go to more live concerts in Symphony, Carnegie, and Avery Fisher Halls as well as the Met. And, like upgrading interconnects, I’ve had to upgrade my seat locations. Better cables — better seats, what to do. Thanks Audience!

Jim Wojno — June 09

Dog and Cable Testimonial, June 2009

Hello Terry: We spoke several weeks ago when I poured out my lament to you about my dog chewing through my Audience Au24 speaker cable. You were kind enough to offer to fix the problem (tho this is certainly well beyond Audience’s lifetime guarantee). I received the upgraded Au24e cables a couple of weeks ago and installed them (well above floor level this time!) between my Music Reference amp and Merlin VSMs. While I was quite happy with the regular Au24 before, I do think the upgrade provides a more cohesive musical sound. Whether is has greater bass and treble extension I don’t know for sure. It often sounds like it but it’s hard to say (at least with the certainty of many ‘golden-eared’ reviewers). Whatever the case, I am extremely pleased with Audience for its sterling customer service, far beyond the call of duty, and with its equally sterling cables. Count me as a very satisfied customer. Thanks again.

Paul Anderson — June 09