Au24 Testimonial, May 2006

“From Magnum Dynalab to Cary Audio Design, from Acoustic Zen to VAC, I have had the pleasure of dealing with some very fine companies, some very fine individuals. None have provided the service nor can compare to what I’ve just witnessed. My cables which were just mailed to Audience last Friday, which have crossed the continent twice, are today back in my system. I don’t know that I deserved new cables, but these seem to be, and I thank you. In any event, for two-three years I have used AZ Silver Reference between my Cary Preamp and VAC amps, wish I would have changed them out for yours long ago. A very nice sound indeed. Thanks for being so kind, so quick and thanks for a very fine cable.”

George — May 06

Bound for Sound Adept Response Review

“Conclusion. The Audience Adept Response line conditioner is a beautiful machine to gaze upon and use. Unlike so many other line conditioners with substantial prices, the Audience does give one reason to feel that the hardware involved justifies the price charged.”
Martin DeWulf – #170 – Mar ’06


Au24 Testimonial, March 2006

“I added a 1/2 meter Au 24 IC between my preamp and cd player….MY GOD, JOHN! IT’S LIKE THE CABLE ISN’T EVEN THERE. Granted, the Au24 is the most expensive cable I’ve had in my system, but I’ve had pretty darn good cables in the past. The difference with the Au24s is almost sublime. I’ve even tried them on my daughter’s system, as well as my neighbor’s, and the results are the same. They just remove layers of grain and hash that you didn’t even realize were there. I don’t think I’ve ever been so excited by an addition to my system. John, you’ve made a believer out of me. When I can afford it, my whole system will be hooked up with Au24.”

Sam Kress — Mar 06

Soundstage Reviews for Au24 Cables, 2004, 2006

“Can you tell that I like this stuff? My customers certainly do. But don’t trust me — I’m only one set of ears. Find a dealer and take some Audience cables home for a try.”
Bill Brooks – Jan ’06  Read Full Review

“Its sound is fast, open and transparent. The Au24 S/PDIF cable proved to be something of a sonic enigma — its signature was only identifiable in relation to the other cables. On its own, it offers a large portion of every positive attribute and no discernible sins. Most notably, compared to the I2Digital cable, the Au24 portrays density along with the speed and openness. Images are full and weighty; in video terms, I would say that the picture is more color-saturated. All of the detail is there, but the perspective is different — the music is portrayed in a more tangible way.” 
Marc Mickelson – Dec ’04
  Read Full Review
Print Version

“The Audience Au24 interconnects and speaker cables are commendably neutral and natural, and they help you forget about chasing the pot o’ gold at the end of the audiophile rainbow. These are attributes that the best cable should embody. I expected a cable so tiny to limit dynamics, but nothing like this happened – even with amplifiers up to 250wpc. Also, spouses and decorators are going to find a small-diameter cable like this a lot more domestically acceptable than a music hose or other visually distracting cables.”
Doug Blackburn – Mar ’03  Print Version

“They are among the best cables at any price… given an honest chance (as honest as they are in their signal delivery), you very well may find yourself regarding them as cables that put a smile on your face and joy before your ears.”
Jim Merod – Feb ’04


CES 2006, Las Vegas, NV

Audience unveiled the latest incarnation of its Au24 True Line Source loudspeaker, a one-way system with a flat response from 22 kHz to 70 Hz. The lack of a crossover provides ultimate coherency. The sweet spot spans the width of the room, not just the center seat. The total moving mass of each driver is 1.5 grams delivering unsurpassed high resolution sound. As a dynamic driver, the result is the best of all worlds, high resolution and unrestrained dynamics.

adeptResponse Conditioner Review 11/05

“At $3800, the Audience adeptResponse is not inexpensive, but given its ability to improve the sound of everything connected to it, I feel that it is worth every penny. Audio gear is always about compromise. The Audience adeptResponse is the first and only component I have experienced that represents zero compromise.”
Fown-Ming Tien –  Positive Feedback – Nov ’05   Read Full Review


The Perfect Vision Review of Adept Response Conditioners

“I have a fair amount of experience with high-performance AC power conditioners, but the Adept Response took me by surprise. Comparing my system’s sound with the components plugged into the Adept Response and straight into the wall, I heard a wide range of obvious, musically significant improvements.”
Robert Harley – Sep/Oct ’05  Print Version


2005 Writers’ Choice Award for Adept Response

“The Audience adeptResponse is perfect in every way. With its gorgeous silver cabinet, it gets a ‘10′ for looks. With enough outlets to power even the largest of systems, it gets a ‘10′ for practicality. And lastly, with its ability to improve the sound of every piece of gear that I plugged into it, it gets a ‘10′ for functionality.”
Fown-Ming Tien – Writers Choice Awards – ’05