PFO Review of powerChord e, au24 e by Greg Weaver

“Where they simply crush their competition is in areas like midrange and lower treble bloom, harmonic texture, and “flavor,” (listen to any well-recorded horns) and in overall spatial recreation. All these improvements have synergized to elevate soundstage articulation, image focus, and specificity to an unprecedented, and unbelievable, degree.”

“You owe it to yourself to hear what the Au24-e/powerChord-e system can deliver from your rig before you commit to any other cable products, at ANY price… You’ll most likely find yourself hearing some of the most engaging music your system has ever created, while saving some money in the process. Most musically recommended.”
Greg Weaver – Jan ’09 Read Full Review


Positive Feedback 2009 Writer’s Choice Award for Au24 PowerChord

“Overall articulation with this cable in place is unparalleled in my experience; yet the sense of life, of body, of breathing, is almost magical. Extension at both frequency extremes seems limitless. And talk about quiet… music is free to emanate from the darkest, most unobtrusive background I’ve yet heard.”
Greg Weaver, Senior Editor  – Nov ’09
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Jim Merod/Blueport Review of aR12 Conditioners

“Because BluePort’s live recording work is subject to the caprice of strange power sources in a constantly changing variety of venues all across the United States, the challenge of filtering and stabilizing current flow to multiple pieces of high-end recording devices is staggering. I’ve used nearly a dozen different “power conditioners” over the last ten years or so, each promising spectacular sonic results. The only one that delivers sound with utter purity, clarity, and freedom from extraneous electrical grunge and gremlins is the AUDIENCE “adeptResponse” . . . a product, in my overburdened world of recording work, I regard to be on the top rung of contemporary power conditioning excellence. When I have a project that must have all of its elements as technically perfect as possible the adeptResponse twelve outlet box sits at the outset of my “on location” recording rig. I seldom build a work station without it.”
JIM MEROD, BluePort Jazz High-Definition Recording Engineer


Au24e Testimonial, December 2008

Dear John, Just to let you know that my listening time and pleasure increased dramatically since I installed the Audience Au24e interconnects and speaker cables. For once the cables are fulfilling their promise and doing nothing……except letting the music flow. All else is superfluous. Thanks for a lovely product. Regards,

Mario Cassar — December 08

aR Conditioners Testimonial, December 2008

John, Your conditioner is the most natural of all that I tried. Believe me I tried a lot, Chang, Hydra, PS Audio, Monster, API. Keep up with the good work.

Albert Leung — December 08

Au24 ‘e’ Audio Interconnects, PowerChord ‘e’ Review by Steve Hoffman

“Audience has kindly sent me various products to audition. Their Au24 “e” audio interconnects are VERY neutral. Pleasing sound that tells the HONEST TRUTH about what your components really sound like while still being tuneful and musical. The “e” powerChord adds dynamics and the Adept Response Teflon power conditioner is great at cancelling noise while bringing out authoritative dynamics hidden in your playback system. The power conditioner is really amazing.  If I wasn’t already married, I’d marry it. Add the Au24 “e” speaker cable and you have a true neutral, musical presentation!” Steve Hoffman using all Au24 e and Audience powerChord e cables to remix Nat King Cole album to 3 channel SACD.
Steve Hoffman, recording engineer – Dec ’08



aR6 Testimonial, October 2008

Hi Dan, Just wanted to drop you a note to let you know where we are with the power conditioner.  I think that saying we’re amazed by it is almost putting it mildly.  We had some real time to play with it over the weekend with a dedicated play list of both lo and hi-fi recordings, using our Mac as a source, a Bel Canto DAC, and our K+H 3 way monitors.  We were knocked out by the clarity that’s been revealed, most especially in those mid-high frequencies that can become lost or hidden.  I was traveling earlier in the week so my husband used it quite a bit with his collection of headphones, and said it made the most significant difference to the system since the addition of our Bel Canto piece.  And he’s not easy to impress!  Many thanks!

Dawn Birr, Product Manager, Sennheiser Professional Products, HHB USA — October 08

Enjoy the Music Review of Aura-T Capacitors

“…Well, now the Aura-T joins the VH Teflon in the electrostat flavor. These caps set themselves apart from the others by having an almost impossibly ethereal, pure, and extended top-end with endless decay like only a good electrostat can…..”
Oct ’08 Full Print Version


Mono & Stereo Review of au24 Cable, August 2008

“When system and all the component really start to evaporate, you know that you’re on the right track. I can go on and on with the lists of music and references, but i wont. If you are serious enough about the music and reproduction AU24 speaker cables might be one of the most transparent, optimally balanced and affordable speaker cables on the market.”
Matej Isak – August ’08 Read Full Review