Au24e Testimonial, September 2010

Hi Dan, Yesterday I got the cables, so this was very quick from Audience to my home address. Sorry for getting on your nerves, but without the cables you cannot run your audio equipment! A big compliment for the upgrading: the difference is stunning! Really world class now! I could hear it within seconds after starting the first piece of music! It was really worth to do the upgrading! Best regards,

Klaus Berg — September ’10

Au24e Testimonial, August 2010

Dear Dan, The difference between my old Au24’s and my new enhanced Au24e’s is much greater and more significant than I expected. As others have noted, it is indeed as if a grainy layer has been removed from the sound. But the effect extends so much further than that might suggest. The individual ambiance of each recording venue now shines through clearly. Instruments and voices are revealed with remarkable naturalness. Complex contrapuntal lines can be followed with ease. The sound of a particular Steinway stands out distinctly. In addition, highs and lows are clearly more extended, and resolution of detail considerably greater. And with DVDs, you can pick out and listen to individual conversations in a crowded room, or hear the first breath of wind before a storm. Absolutely startling (and all this with even my modest $3k stereo)! All in all, I feel you could justifiably raise that “e” to the level of a superscript — the difference between the Au24’s and Au24e’s is truly exponential. Congratulations on a breakthrough product and product upgrade. Kudos too on your exceptional customer service, much appreciated. Best to you all,

Wayne — August ’10

California Audio Show – Emery, CA July2010 by Jason Victor Serinus
Audience Earns My Applause

“To demonstrate one of the Audience ClairAudient line’s strong points, which creates a “sweet space rather than a sweet spot”, John asked me to sit way against one of the sidewalls. The coherence of the soundstage image and the depth remained, with voice and piano floating in space. As impressive a phenomenon as the sound was lovely.”

aR6-T GP Upgrade Testimonial, June 2010

Bravo!  Very nice improvement on the AR6T upgrade for the ground stage. Bass is deeper and faster. All around presentation sharper with deeper sound stage. From my side it was well worth the time doing without the unit and the expense.

Don Rawlins — June ’10

Stereophile Review of Au24e Cables

“Audience’s Au24e interconnects and speaker cables perform as well as any cables I’ve heard. What’s more, they compare favorably with other reference-quality cables, not only as an overall package of strengths and weaknesses, but line by line, in any sort of audiophile accounting.”
Brian Damkroger – June ’10 Read Full Review


aR2p-TO Conditioner Review by 10 Audio

“Rarely does changing a component “make me rediscover my entire music collection”, as we like to say.”

“Instantly with the installation of the aR2p-TO on the power amplifiers, the sound became much more vivid, alive, dynamic, pure, sweet, and resolved. The bass resolution improved as well, along with a smaller increase in the clean dynamic performance in the upper treble.”
Jerry Seigel, Editor – May ’10 Read Full Review