Jim Merod/Blueport Review of aR12 Conditioners

“Because BluePort’s live recording work is subject to the caprice of strange power sources in a constantly changing variety of venues all across the United States, the challenge of filtering and stabilizing current flow to multiple pieces of high-end recording devices is staggering. I’ve used nearly a dozen different “power conditioners” over the last ten years or so, each promising spectacular sonic results. The only one that delivers sound with utter purity, clarity, and freedom from extraneous electrical grunge and gremlins is the AUDIENCE “adeptResponse” . . . a product, in my overburdened world of recording work, I regard to be on the top rung of contemporary power conditioning excellence. When I have a project that must have all of its elements as technically perfect as possible the adeptResponse twelve outlet box sits at the outset of my “on location” recording rig. I seldom build a work station without it.”
JIM MEROD, BluePort Jazz High-Definition Recording Engineer


Au24 ‘e’ Audio Interconnects, PowerChord ‘e’ Review by Steve Hoffman

“Audience has kindly sent me various products to audition. Their Au24 “e” audio interconnects are VERY neutral. Pleasing sound that tells the HONEST TRUTH about what your components really sound like while still being tuneful and musical. The “e” powerChord adds dynamics and the Adept Response Teflon power conditioner is great at cancelling noise while bringing out authoritative dynamics hidden in your playback system. The power conditioner is really amazing.  If I wasn’t already married, I’d marry it. Add the Au24 “e” speaker cable and you have a true neutral, musical presentation!” Steve Hoffman using all Au24 e and Audience powerChord e cables to remix Nat King Cole album to 3 channel SACD.
Steve Hoffman, recording engineer – Dec ’08



Enjoy the Music Review of Aura-T Capacitors

“…Well, now the Aura-T joins the VH Teflon in the electrostat flavor. These caps set themselves apart from the others by having an almost impossibly ethereal, pure, and extended top-end with endless decay like only a good electrostat can…..”
Oct ’08 Full Print Version


Mono & Stereo Review of au24 Cable, August 2008

“When system and all the component really start to evaporate, you know that you’re on the right track. I can go on and on with the lists of music and references, but i wont. If you are serious enough about the music and reproduction AU24 speaker cables might be one of the most transparent, optimally balanced and affordable speaker cables on the market.”
Matej Isak – August ’08 Read Full Review


Golden Ear Award to aR12 Conditioners

“This is a remarkable product. And, in my experience, audibly superior to every other “conditioner” I have tried out (and given the peculiarities of the power network in New York, I have tried more than a few over the years). It is, to use a word from the earliest days of the hi-fi delity movement, simply much more transparent than the competition. And Audience lets you hear more ambient information, more definition and articulation of the musical images, and all that with what sounds like a reduction on those hard-to-describe distortions that ride atop a musical (or electrical, one supposes) signal. More to come.”
Harry Pearson – July ’08 Print Version


10 Audio Review of Aura-T Capacitors


“The Aura-T capacitors will never be replaced! These are exotic dancers of the Kingdom of Audio, removing well-known veils to enable the listener to hear far deeper into every note than was ever possible, even compared to the exceptionally transparent Placette Passive Line Stage. The improvements are noticeable throughout the frequency range, but especially in the upper midrange and treble where a higher level of information has been revealed. Voices are more present in the room. Percussion instruments have a “striking” immediacy that obviously narrows the differences between live and recorded music.”
June ’08 Read Full Review

Mono and Stereo aR6 Conditioner Review

“Audience Adept Response aR6 should be more than satisfying to any stereo music lover. I can only highly recommend it to anyone who is pursuing the high end reproduction system. $2,800 is a lot of money. But when you’re building the high end system you don’t want to save with quality power handling. It’s a building block of high quality playback system.”
Matej Isak — April ’08 Read Full Review


Positive Feedback Review of aR6, March 2008

“I am now hearing deeper, and with greater definition and detail into the music. Most importantly, that slight metallic sound I had in my system before placing the aR6 in my rig is now gone. Both micro and macro dynamics improved along with soundstaging which is now larger. Soundstaging has become more three dimensional on all planes of the musical stage.  Images that sounded slightly opaque and recessed are now more pronounced and brought to the forefront and with greater clarity.”
Jeff Parks – March ’08 Read Full Review