“I can say with certainty the Adept Response is among the elite of AC conditioners, and if you’ve not tried one, or haven’t had much success with other brands, then you need to give Audience a call.”
Clement Perry – Aug ’06 Read Full Review
“I can say with certainty the Adept Response is among the elite of AC conditioners, and if you’ve not tried one, or haven’t had much success with other brands, then you need to give Audience a call.”
Clement Perry – Aug ’06 Read Full Review
“The Adept Response made a phenomenal difference in my system. Fundamentally, it improved the clarity of recordings by eliminating a previously undetected lack of definition, without introducing any brightness or most importantly any coloration. That is worth repeating. I did not hear any coloration from the Adept Response or any obscuring of the rhythm of the music. The Adept Response just made every recording I listened to more natural and in turn more musically engaging.”
Max Shepherd – Jun ’06 Print Version
“For a number of years we have had the pleasure of using the Audience powerChord, and under the right conditions, there is no finer power cord available.”
Martin DeWulf : #171 – Jun ’06 Print Version
“The powerChord is about as close to a no-brainer as I can think of; it has a way of consistently breathing life into whatever it is feeding.”
Marc Yun : #170 – Mar ’06 Print Version
“After all these years, still one of the best AC line cords one can buy capable of bringing out the dynamic best in a component, this is the power cord that I go to when nothing else seems to work. One of my favorite cords on line level devices, but works well on amps too.”
Martin DeWulf : #164 – Apr ’05
“This power cord was as consistent in its results as any power cord I have ever used… Clean impact. The fastest transients this side of a lightning strike, as contrasts and depth of field reveal a clarity unknown to most electronics until plugged in with the powerChord… With its speed and resolution, the powerChord was surprisingly organic and color free in its presentation.”
Martin DeWulf – Jan ’02 Read Full Review
“Auricaps are metalized polypropylene capacitors precision-wound in the US, and are considered by many to be the finest capacitors available.”
Peter Breuninger – Jun ’06 Read Full Review
“I could say this ten different ways and possibly still not effectively communicate this cable’s large improvement over any other speaker cable I have heard.”
Jerry Seigel – May ’06 Read Full Review
“Conclusion. The Audience Adept Response line conditioner is a beautiful machine to gaze upon and use. Unlike so many other line conditioners with substantial prices, the Audience does give one reason to feel that the hardware involved justifies the price charged.”
Martin DeWulf – #170 – Mar ’06
“Uniformly, those rooms with the Adept Response were some of the best sounding at the show.”
CES Show Report – #169 -Jan ’06
“Can you tell that I like this stuff? My customers certainly do. But don’t trust me — I’m only one set of ears. Find a dealer and take some Audience cables home for a try.”
Bill Brooks – Jan ’06 Read Full Review
“Its sound is fast, open and transparent. The Au24 S/PDIF cable proved to be something of a sonic enigma — its signature was only identifiable in relation to the other cables. On its own, it offers a large portion of every positive attribute and no discernible sins. Most notably, compared to the I2Digital cable, the Au24 portrays density along with the speed and openness. Images are full and weighty; in video terms, I would say that the picture is more color-saturated. All of the detail is there, but the perspective is different — the music is portrayed in a more tangible way.”
Marc Mickelson – Dec ’04 Read Full Review
Print Version
“The Audience Au24 interconnects and speaker cables are commendably neutral and natural, and they help you forget about chasing the pot o’ gold at the end of the audiophile rainbow. These are attributes that the best cable should embody. I expected a cable so tiny to limit dynamics, but nothing like this happened – even with amplifiers up to 250wpc. Also, spouses and decorators are going to find a small-diameter cable like this a lot more domestically acceptable than a music hose or other visually distracting cables.”
Doug Blackburn – Mar ’03 Print Version
“They are among the best cables at any price… given an honest chance (as honest as they are in their signal delivery), you very well may find yourself regarding them as cables that put a smile on your face and joy before your ears.”
Jim Merod – Feb ’04
“At $3800, the Audience adeptResponse is not inexpensive, but given its ability to improve the sound of everything connected to it, I feel that it is worth every penny. Audio gear is always about compromise. The Audience adeptResponse is the first and only component I have experienced that represents zero compromise.”
Fown-Ming Tien – Positive Feedback – Nov ’05 Read Full Review
“I have a fair amount of experience with high-performance AC power conditioners, but the Adept Response took me by surprise. Comparing my system’s sound with the components plugged into the Adept Response and straight into the wall, I heard a wide range of obvious, musically significant improvements.”
Robert Harley – Sep/Oct ’05 Print Version