Positive Feedback Review of LSA 16+16 Loudspeakers, July 2009

“That’s what these newly crafted, supremely buffed and tweaked ClairAudient “LSA 16+16″ bi-pole speakers concoct: tactile musical force of a sort that makes it impossible for any music lover not to be sucked in, swept up, and transformed emotionally into immediate proximity with surging musical grooves and lyrical kaleidoscopes of shifting melodic shapes.”
Jim Merod – July ’09
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Avguide.com Review of Au24 e Cable

“The sound is fast, airy, and punchy. I liked the way it opens up the soundstage, particularly on classical music, where it allows you to hear row after row of an orchestra. Overall, the soundstage seems to be deeper than it is wide. Tonality is beyond reproach. It captures the bore of an instrument with great fidelity. What about bass? Can a diminutive cable create a big sound? Judging by the impact of the Au24, the answer is emphatically yes.”
Jacob Heilbrunn –July ’09 Read Full Review


The Absolute Sound Review of LSA 4+4’s, June 2009

Robert Harley Blogs Audience
“The LSA4+4 sounded like a full-range speaker in every way, but with a coherence and seamlessness that was undoubtedly due to the lack of crossovers and disparate drivers. The midrange was palpable and immediate without sounding forward or emphasized. The top end had a full measure of detail and resolution, without the lack of air and extension I’ve heard in the past from full-range drivers. But the most surprising aspects of the LSA4+4 were its bass and dynamics. The bottom-end exhibited real weight and body, with a wonderful palpability of instrumental texture on acoustic bass. Similarly, the system was very quick, dynamic, and agile, with impact behind musical peaks.”
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Robert Harley, Editor – June 22, ‘09

Soundstage Review of au24e Cable, February 2009

“In a world of incredible hype, they lived up to Audience’s claim that they create a more convincing illusion of reality and improve soundstaging. My reference cables do that pretty darn well, but the Audience cables improve the system’s performance in those areas”.
Vade Forester – Feb ’09 Read Full Review

Soundstage PowerChord ‘e’ Review

“The differences were not subtle. Most obvious was the bass, which seemed deeper and more powerful than with the stock cord. Initially, I thought perhaps the powerChord e provided too much bass, but I soon got over that. What I heard was the deepest and weightiest bass I’ve ever heard from my system”.
Vade Forester – Feb ’09 Read Full Review


PFO Review of powerChord e by Jeff Parks

“Sometimes when we are trying to solve a problem with our system we forget to take a serious look at the power delivery of our system. It truly is amazing what the last six feet of AC “delivery wire’ can do to the overall sonic footprint of your system. In my case, this difference was truly astounding!”
Jeff Parks – Feb ’09 Read Full Review


PFO Review of powerChord e, au24 e by Greg Weaver

“Where they simply crush their competition is in areas like midrange and lower treble bloom, harmonic texture, and “flavor,” (listen to any well-recorded horns) and in overall spatial recreation. All these improvements have synergized to elevate soundstage articulation, image focus, and specificity to an unprecedented, and unbelievable, degree.”

“You owe it to yourself to hear what the Au24-e/powerChord-e system can deliver from your rig before you commit to any other cable products, at ANY price… You’ll most likely find yourself hearing some of the most engaging music your system has ever created, while saving some money in the process. Most musically recommended.”
Greg Weaver – Jan ’09 Read Full Review


Positive Feedback 2009 Writer’s Choice Award for Au24 PowerChord

“Overall articulation with this cable in place is unparalleled in my experience; yet the sense of life, of body, of breathing, is almost magical. Extension at both frequency extremes seems limitless. And talk about quiet… music is free to emanate from the darkest, most unobtrusive background I’ve yet heard.”
Greg Weaver, Senior Editor  – Nov ’09
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