aR12-TS Testimonial, May 2010

Hi John, Well, you were certainly right about transparency and I’m impressed how that transparency is from the top (of the frequency range) to the bottom. Along with transparency I’m getting an even better sense of the recording environment and the organic quality of “real” music performed with real instruments.

The noise floor has dropped and with 107db speakers that is certainly noticeable and very welcome. Imaging, which I consider important, is definitely improved which is another way of saying focus and separation between instruments is better as well.

I should say these improvements are on top of what I already thought was a great improvement with the other 12T I have been using in my system. I’m a very happy camper right now and feel blessed to have such an incredible system in my life. Your addition to this system is playing a very big role in maximizing that enjoyment.

Thank you very much!

P.S. Did I say bass was clearer, more articulate – it is 🙂

John — May ’10

Au24e Testimonial, April 2010

Hi John, Really am enjoying the startling clarity and realness of my system. Not one to worry about differences in individual cables, I elected to just do the entire system with your brand, no endless A-B-ing, and I’m extremely pleased with the overall synergy supplied by the Audience equipment. One night watching a Met opera recorded on DVR, I was beginning to fall asleep, but turning it off did not occur to me as I had more or less been duped into thinking I was actually at the Met, and certainly, you don’t just go to sleep in your seat here. Regards,

Jim Wojno — April ’10

Audience Products Testimonial, March 2010

I have been addicted to audio for 40 years, serious amateur recording and playback. STEP 1: In 2007 I purchased Audience AU24 speaker cables and a power cable. What seemed risky at the time is now laughable. I eliminated the previous ‘fire hoses’ feeding the speakers. Significant sonic and aesthetic advances. For a month the sound kept getting better. Highlight: harmonic accuracy+! STEP 2: Three months ago I purchased the AR6T with the AU24 power cord displacing another respected conditioner. I honestly believe this has been the biggest positive change I have ever made to my playback system, wires or electronics. Highlight: dynamics+! STEP 3: Last month I upgraded to the “e” version of the power cord (on the preamp) and speaker cable. Again additive. It sounded like a new preamp and new system. Highlight: soundstage & focus!

I am a retired electrical engineer and I do not understand what happened in STEP 3. The people at Audience obviously understand the physics of sound reproduction, now imperative. BTW-The speakers -Duntech, the electronics- vintage Mark Levinson. In hindsight I wonder if I had ever really heard what my equipment could do. I have entered a different league and know I must improve my recordings. Look out Keith My advice to anyone, don’t sell your electronics until you have really heard them with any of these products. It could save you a fortune and help you make a better decision. Step 4-pending. A huge thank you to the Audience team.

Bill — March ’10

HiFi+ Award to aR8 UK Conditioner

“We love it because it sounds like you have just upgraded every component in the signal chain, making voices more articulate and natural. As we said back in issue 69, “the Audience adeptResponse aR8 makes a big, important difference to the sound, every bit in line with three grand upgrades to electronics further up the food chain.” In other words, we like it!”


aR8 Review by Alan Sircom, Hifi+

“No product is perfect, but the aR8 gets damn close.  It’s strange; if a change this large is laid at the door of a CD player, preamp or power amp, few quibble.  Even saying changing the interconnect cables produces this big a difference might be accepted with scant question, but to attribute these sort of improvements to a power product is always viewed quizzically.  The fact remains that the Audience adeptResponse aR8 makes a big, important difference to the sound, every bit in line with three grand upgrades to electronics further up the food chain.  So, set aside your preconceptions and prejudices and listen.”
Alan Sircom – Issue 69 Dec ’09
Read Full Review



Auric Illuminator Testimonial, December 2009

Hi there. I got the Auric Illuminator a week ago and I would love to share my experience with the Audience team and everyone else out there.  You have an amazing product, I wasn’t expecting this kind of significant improvement. Honestly its my first cd treatment that I use and I wont be looking for anything else.  My friends thought I changed some of the cables or something, now they are gettin the Illuminator as well.  The entire presentation seems more clear and rich top to bottom, and above all more natural. It seems I’m gettin more music from my set up. I’m excited to treat my entire cd collection.

Best regards from Macedonia! — December ’09