Au24e Testimonial

Dear John, Just purchased the au24 cables all around for my system from the dealer in India who also happen to be a genius and well informed guy himself. The cables au24e you make are fabulous.  I was a believer in cables but they could make such a big change was not comprehended by me, though the dealer here kept convincing me about the potential of the au24e, that’s a fantastic product you have.
Regards, Jasi Singh

Au24e Phono Cables Testimonial


Received the cables last week. I don’t listen to records (LPs) casually very often. So I was alert from the start picking up as many clues as I could. Initially I was impressed how the music presented all the frequencies not just opening up the top end as was indicated would happen. Yes that happened but I noted that I could hear into the middle ranges with more clarity as well as the bass coming and going quicker and in tune..

Several days were devoted to  very pleasant listening  until yesterday…… When I put on the remastered Joni Mitchell “Blue” album from Classic Records? Joni Mitchell records can be problematic because her voice in those days went clearly from alto to mezzo frequently within the same phrase. Listening, the mezzo has hither-to  come out  as shrill. Well, shrillness did not appear yesterday and instead I  heard how well controlled her voice actually was during this period. Needless to say, the emotional impact is much stronger when you are not so distracted.

So.. Yeah I like the new phono cables a lot.

Don Rawlins

Audience’s Au24 PowerChord Receives Absolute Sound’s Product of the Year 2011 Award

“A power cord that touches all the right bases. Its neutrality, low noise floor, and almost preternatural retrieval of spatial and ambient information are what you would expect in a TAS Product of the Year Award. But the Au24 also offers a strong sense of micro-resolution, honing in on sonic images with incisive focus and reproducing them with seemingly effortless immediacy. Last but not least, the Au24 powerChord is one of the more flexible high-end cords available, making it very handy for angled runs.”

Neil Gader — Absolute Sound Jan 2012 Issue
Link to Award

Read Full Review


220v-240v Adept Response Teflon “TSS2” power conditioners !

Dear Audio Enthusiast,

Many of you have requested the highly acclaimed Audience Adept Response “Teflon” version power conditioners that will operate at 220v – 240v. Due to the level of interest in this product Audience has decided to offer this product at this time on a limited basis.

History– The first Adept Response released in 2005 was based on Audience Auricap high resolution metalized polypropylene capacitor filters. Approximately three years later in ‘08 Audience introduced the first of the Teflon capacitor based power conditioners, the model “T” version, that received rave reviews by Harry Pearson in The Absolute Sound as well as numerous other audio publications. Since then, the model T conditioners have been improved in several ways including:

  • The addition of the large copper “ground plane” to which all ground connections are weld connected in a star ground configuration. This feature slightly improved the resolution; however, greatly improved the pace/rhythm/timing (PRAT).
  • In this most recent past year, the Teflon Aura-T capacitors have also been upgraded with OFCC (oxygen free continuous cast) copper leads that greatly improved the resolution, coherency and transparency.
  • Thirdly, this past year Audience developed an ultra high current break in device that burns in the power conditioners, for 72 hours, to a degree that can never be accomplished by convention in home use.
  • And NOW, as a brand new feature, Audience has made another leap forward in lowering the noise floor and increasing transparency. Audience has developed a highly improved filter/conditioning section that is applied at the incoming power point. The affect of this new filter is simply breathtaking.

The above four improvements are represented by a second “S” in the model number, and now the 220v – 240v versions are identified by a 2 in the model number; for example aR6-TSS2.

The aR12-TS has been reviewed recently by Greg Weaver in Positive Feedback magazine. (see below) Anyone interested in the aR-TS, and now aR-TSS2, can expect to receive the most outstanding and refined power conditioner ever made.

“While it affords an convincingly audible advance over the landmark aR12-T, the degree of that improvement is, to my ears, nearly as incremental an advance on the T’s performance as the T iteration improved upon the original aR12.”

Greg Weaver — Oct 11 Read Full Review

For greater performance – The latest version and best power cord from Audience is the Au24 powerChord. For those who purchase a 2, 6 or 12 outletTS2 power conditioner it is highly recommended that they get it with the Au24 powerChord upgrade feature for + $1,550 (MSRP). This feature provides a significant amount of performance enhancement to the entire system being powered through the Adept Response. The Au24 powerChord provides a noticeably higher degree of transparency and much more low level information (micro details). The Au24 powerChord is receiving the Absolute Sound Magazine Product of the Year award to be announced in the January issue of the magazine!

Very best regards,
John McDonald

220V Model numbers and pricing

aR12-TSS2 – $9,995 (with powerChord e)
Au24 powerChord upgrade + $1,550 (highly recommended)

aR6-TSS2 – $6,000 – (with powerChord e)
Au24 powerChord upgrade + $1,550 (highly recommended)

aR2-TSS2 – $5,200
Au24 powerChord upgrade + $1,550 (highly recommended)
