On Sound and Music Review of Au24 Cables, August 2004

“Inserting the Audience Au24 S/PDIF digital cable between my transport and upsampler, it is as if I have found the musical mother lode. The nuances and balance the Au24 communicates are so immediately apparent and welcomed that I am just in awe of this cable right now. I have never noted a greater step toward musicality with any other digital cable at any price.” 
Greg Weaver – Aug ’04
   Print Version

Soundstage Review for Auricap Capacitors June 2004

“The Auricapped 21A sounds fundamentally neutral, but its presentation has notable bloom and, as with the very best tube preamps, the ability to portray space — around performers and as an entity itself. Its sound is spacious. There is no tubey glaze, but also no etch or edge. Instead, there is clarity, vigor, and grace. Nobody will say the 21A is laid-back, but it doesn’t sound forward either. It walks the line of perspective as few preamps do, tipping neither one way nor the other. Its performance is accomplished — very detailed and very enjoyable.”
Marc Mickelson – Jun ’04  Read Full Review


Au24 Cable Receives Stereophile Recommended Component, April 2004

“It was as a speaker cable that the Au24 really shown.” Brian Damkroger actually preferred the Au24 to his reference Valhalla in terms of tonal balance, imaging, resolution of inner detail, and sound staging.” 
Stereophile : Recommended Components
Vol.25 No.8 – Apr ’04


On Hifi Review of PowerChords, Au24 Cables

“The Audience Au24 and powerChord cables share a family resemblance-they balance tonality extremely well, have superb detail (again, in balance; neither too much nor too little of it), and they’re smooth. Not colored-smooth, but just-right-smooth.”
Wes Phillips – Apr ’04  Read Full Review


Positive Feedback Reviews for Auricap Capacitors


“I liked the UltraVerve preamplifier, and I really liked the upgraded unit. It is detailed but musical. The Auricap upgrade is a very worthwhile move in the direction of music for minimal cost.”
Francisco Duran – Mar ’04  Read Full Review

“The Auricaps are great parts, and represent a significant step forward in capacitor technology and audio-musical performance… Better and cheaper. What more can you ask for?”
Jennifer White-Wolf Crock – Oct ’02
Read Full Review


6Moons.com Conductor Review 02/04

“Audiophiles on a budget can be assured that these cables won’t leave them shortchanged. Like the Chinese astrological Ox, these cables speak little but they do so eloquently while inspiring confidence. To hear music with this much clarity and refinement is more than worth the asking price. I urge fellow audiophiles on their journey to greater musical heights to arrange for a demo of the Audience Conductor interconnects and powerChord power cables.”
Mike Healy – Feb ’04   Read Full Review


Stereophile Reviews for Au24 Cables, 2002 and 2004

“The Au24 ic sits midway between the other two with a dead neutral tonal balance… the Au24s filled in slightly better the notes’ bloom and resonance following the initial transients.”
Brian Damkroger – Feb ’04

“I spent a lot of time going back and forth between the Au24 and my reference Valhalla, and ended up preferring the Au24.”
Brian Damkroger – Aug ’02  Print Version