Stereophile Review of Au24e Cables

“Audience’s Au24e interconnects and speaker cables perform as well as any cables I’ve heard. What’s more, they compare favorably with other reference-quality cables, not only as an overall package of strengths and weaknesses, but line by line, in any sort of audiophile accounting.”
Brian Damkroger – June ’10 Read Full Review


aR2p-TO Conditioner Review by 10 Audio

“Rarely does changing a component “make me rediscover my entire music collection”, as we like to say.”

“Instantly with the installation of the aR2p-TO on the power amplifiers, the sound became much more vivid, alive, dynamic, pure, sweet, and resolved. The bass resolution improved as well, along with a smaller increase in the clean dynamic performance in the upper treble.”
Jerry Seigel, Editor – May ’10 Read Full Review


HiFi+ Award to aR8 UK Conditioner

“We love it because it sounds like you have just upgraded every component in the signal chain, making voices more articulate and natural. As we said back in issue 69, “the Audience adeptResponse aR8 makes a big, important difference to the sound, every bit in line with three grand upgrades to electronics further up the food chain.” In other words, we like it!”


aR8 Review by Alan Sircom, Hifi+

“No product is perfect, but the aR8 gets damn close.  It’s strange; if a change this large is laid at the door of a CD player, preamp or power amp, few quibble.  Even saying changing the interconnect cables produces this big a difference might be accepted with scant question, but to attribute these sort of improvements to a power product is always viewed quizzically.  The fact remains that the Audience adeptResponse aR8 makes a big, important difference to the sound, every bit in line with three grand upgrades to electronics further up the food chain.  So, set aside your preconceptions and prejudices and listen.”
Alan Sircom – Issue 69 Dec ’09
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Dagogo Review of Au24 PowerChord

“The last thing I want to say about the sound with the Au24 powerChords in the system is just how much more listenable my system has become. With all the added detail and dynamics I have talked about, it still seems to present music in a more relaxed way. It’s as if the system doesn’t have to work as hard to produce this great sound, and the result is it sounds more like live music.”
Jack Roberts – Dec ’09 
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Sounstage Reviewers’ Choice for LSA 8+8, August 2009

“I’ve heard a number of speakers that go for six digits a pair, and some that cost more than ten times the ClairAudients’ price. But I can’t think of a single speaker I’ve heard that has combined all the strengths of the ClairAudient LSA8+8 so spectacularly. It may well be the most neutral speaker I’ve ever heard, and it puts everything together to present memorable, moving, magnificent musical moments. Absolutely glorious, and an easy Reviewers’ Choice.”
Vade Forrester, Soundstage – August ’09
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