PowerCord Receives Stereophile Recommended Component

“The wonderfully flexible powerChord too, was a winner, significantly cleaning up the sound by lowering the noise floor, opening up the space between instruments, and significantly improving the system’s resolution of low level and inner detail.”
Brian Damkroger – Recommended – Apr ’07


EHX Fall 2006 (Electronic Home Expo) November 13-17, 2006 Long Beach, CA

Audience exhibited at EHX ’06 by supporting the Intel demonstration room. Audience supplied all cables, powerChords, and Adept Response power conditioning for the 5.1 system. Other components included a Niveus Media server with Intel’s dual core processor, B&W Loudspeakers, Chord amplifiers, Runco projector and Steward Screen. The surround music and video was provided by AIX Records. The demonstration was awarded Best of Demo Alley.

Bound for Sound Reviews of PowerChord

“For a number of years we have had the pleasure of using the Audience powerChord, and under the right conditions, there is no finer power cord available.”
Martin DeWulf : #171 – Jun ’06   Print Version

“The powerChord is about as close to a no-brainer as I can think of; it has a way of consistently breathing life into whatever it is feeding.”
Marc Yun : #170 – Mar ’06  Print Version

“After all these years, still one of the best AC line cords one can buy capable of bringing out the dynamic best in a component, this is the power cord that I go to when nothing else seems to work. One of my favorite cords on line level devices, but works well on amps too.”
Martin DeWulf : #164 – Apr ’05

“This power cord was as consistent in its results as any power cord I have ever used… Clean impact. The fastest transients this side of a lightning strike, as contrasts and depth of field reveal a clarity unknown to most electronics until plugged in with the powerChord… With its speed and resolution, the powerChord was surprisingly organic and color free in its presentation.”
Martin DeWulf – Jan ’02  Read Full Review



PFO Review of PowerChord, March 2005

“I listen critically to every piece of equipment I place in my system, and the powerChord is the only one that has made me forget about the details and let the music take me along for the ride”.
Fown-Ming Tien – Mar ’05  Read Full Review



6 Moons Reviews for PowerChord, 2004

“Most competent after-market power cords will clean up the sound, usually by lowering the noise floor. Despite that general but important improvement, some cords then take a step backwards by imposing some measure of tonal degradation. Few of the cords I’ve tried seem to inject a life-like force to the music. Fewer than that improve timing and flow. Fewer still will broaden your musical horizons by rewarding you with depth of stage, all the while giving you insights on performer technique by allowing your gear to better resolve low level and inner detail in a musical, organic manner. The powerChords on my CD player and amp delivered the goods. Highly recommended for audition”.
Stephæn Harrell – Dec ’04  Read Full Review

“… the Audience Conductors and powerChords delivered the musical punch line every time. They even beat out my reference interconnects and power cables. The Audience power cables offer accuracy and musicality beyond their really simple appearance and affordable price.”
Mike Healy – Feb ’04   Read Full Review


On Hifi Review of PowerChords, Au24 Cables

“The Audience Au24 and powerChord cables share a family resemblance-they balance tonality extremely well, have superb detail (again, in balance; neither too much nor too little of it), and they’re smooth. Not colored-smooth, but just-right-smooth.”
Wes Phillips – Apr ’04  Read Full Review


Absolute Sound Review of PowerChord, November 2002

“Whatever is going on here, the thing works. I experimented with my Balanced Audio Technology VK-D5 CD player, VK-3i preamp, and VK-6200 multi-channel amplifier, and in each case heard improvements to the noise floor (less garble and grunge), dynamic range (in both low-level nuance and high-level impact), and overall clarity and detail. Music’s sense of time improved, too. The thing doesn’t cost a fortune, either.”
Wayne Garcia – Nov ’02  Print Version


Stereo Times Reviews of PowerChord, August 2002, December 2000

“The essential set of enhancements to be discovered from the Audience “powerChord” can all be grouped within that elusive notion of MUSICALITY. I’ve not yet heard any power chord that accomplishes such an engaging reinforcement of genuinely musical values — the pace, relaxation, and tonal elements that define the heart of seductive musical experiences — at such a modest price.”
Jim Merod : Most Wanted Components – Aug’ 02  Print Version

“Designed as a high current, low impedance cable, it compares with or surpasses the top of the heap.”
Clement Perry – Dec ’00  Read Full Review