Positive Feedback Review of Au24e Phono Cable

“With the Audience cables the music is more dynamic both on the macro and the micro scale. Attacks are sharper. Cymbal crashes are more startling. The music sounds more like what I hear in the concert hall. ”

Roger S. Gordon — May/June ’12 Issue

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TONEAudio Review of Audience Au24e Phono Cables

“While this cable is not inexpensive, at $1,100, it’s not crazy money, either. I’m keeping it as a reference in my AVID Volvere SP/Funk Firm FX•R/ Denon DL103R combination; it’s that spectacular”.  

Jeff Dorgay –  June ’12

Au24e Phono Cables Testimonial


Received the cables last week. I don’t listen to records (LPs) casually very often. So I was alert from the start picking up as many clues as I could. Initially I was impressed how the music presented all the frequencies not just opening up the top end as was indicated would happen. Yes that happened but I noted that I could hear into the middle ranges with more clarity as well as the bass coming and going quicker and in tune..

Several days were devoted to  very pleasant listening  until yesterday…… When I put on the remastered Joni Mitchell “Blue” album from Classic Records? Joni Mitchell records can be problematic because her voice in those days went clearly from alto to mezzo frequently within the same phrase. Listening, the mezzo has hither-to  come out  as shrill. Well, shrillness did not appear yesterday and instead I  heard how well controlled her voice actually was during this period. Needless to say, the emotional impact is much stronger when you are not so distracted.

So.. Yeah I like the new phono cables a lot.

Don Rawlins

Audience Cables Testimonial, May 2011

Dear Mr. McDonald, I have just received cables. Wow, what a big surprise was this to me. I have sent you almost unusable cables. What i see now are brand new XLR’s in new boxes , together with a small gift in it. It seems that you replaced the cables with the new ones….All this at no cost, including DHL from and to Turkey. Mr John McDonald I don’t know how to thank you. May God give you a health and a peaceful long live. I respect yourself personally and your excellent customer service and care that Audience is famous for. Thank you very very much indeed. I just hooked the cables in my all Audience cabled system .What i hear  now was so different to the previous. Very neutral and clear. I only  want to ask you if in case of the cables are new, then should i wait them to burn in. Or otherwise they sound right to me right out of the box. And at last , you can put my email to  your customer testimonials corner on the website.I would be glad to. Very best regards.

Tuncer Yilmaz — May ’11

Audio Video Revolution Review of Au24e, November 2010

“But the Audience loom performed beautifully, creating wonderful, evenly balanced sound regardless of whether they were paired with tubed or solid state components, monitors or floor standing speakers, and regardless of program material. “
Andre Marc – November ’10 Read Full Review


Au24e Testimonial, September 2010

Hi Dan, Yesterday I got the cables, so this was very quick from Audience to my home address. Sorry for getting on your nerves, but without the cables you cannot run your audio equipment! A big compliment for the upgrading: the difference is stunning! Really world class now! I could hear it within seconds after starting the first piece of music! It was really worth to do the upgrading! Best regards,

Klaus Berg — September ’10

Stereophile Review of Au24e Cables

“Audience’s Au24e interconnects and speaker cables perform as well as any cables I’ve heard. What’s more, they compare favorably with other reference-quality cables, not only as an overall package of strengths and weaknesses, but line by line, in any sort of audiophile accounting.”
Brian Damkroger – June ’10 Read Full Review