Testimonial on The ONE, October ’13

Hi John, The One loudspeakers resolution is so high & precise that I’m
hearing new notes, in my system, that I’ve never heard before except maybe
through my electrostatic headphones. The One loudspeakers are basically high
resolution headphone speakers that you listen to without having to wear
uncomfortable headphones that also restricts movement. I prefer listening to
the The One loudspeakers, rather than my electrostatic headphones, as one
can tell. I think that loudspeakers with crossovers & tweeters is an
outdated past technology, that in my opinion should be discarded, but we
know that’s going to take time until more audiophiles hear these profound
speakers. Thank you John for putting so much effort & time into creating
these, shall I say it again? profound & emotional speakers that touches the
human soul. Sincerely, Jimmy.


The ONE Review by Bob Reina, Stereophile

“Audience’s ClairAudient ONE is an extraordinary speaker with superb resolution of detail, excellent dynamic contrasts, and subtle articulation of transients. It’s capable of providing satisfying, involving uncolored long-term listening over a broad range of music”.
Bob Reina – September ’13
Read Full Review


Review aR6-TSS: Robert Harley once said to me “You need a power conditioner.”

“Like TAS editor Robert Harley once said to me “You need a power conditioner.” I have one now. It’s the Audience aR6-TSS.

With all my components plugged into the Audience conditioner, violins were unfailingly silkier, voices and instruments emerged from a blacker sonic background with more nuance and dimension to them, soundstaging was grander, and imaging and spatial cues startling. The aR6-TSS contributed a remarkable refinement and brought real precision to my system.”
Garrett Hongo, reviewer
The Absolute Sound
Issue 235, September 2013Full review here


A Major Sonic Step Forward: Audience Au24 SE High-End Cables Are Now Available in Speaker Cables, Interconnects and Power Cords

San Marcos, CA, August 12, 2013 – Audience today announced that its top of the line Au24 SE cables are now available in speaker cables, interconnects and power cords. Delivering a major step forward in musical accuracy, the expanded Au24 SE lineup includes speaker cables with spade lug and banana plug terminations, interconnects with RCA and XLR connectors and power cords with U.S. and European Schuko AC plugs.

Audience Au24 SE cables have been upgraded from previous models with ultra-low-mass, high-purity copper connectors that enable the passage of more low-level information in phono, line-level, speaker and power cord applications.

“The Au24 SE cables are the most significant advancement in cables Audience has ever made, and we don’t say that lightly,” noted John McDonald, president of Audience. “They improve upon the resolution of our already outstanding Au24e to offer an even more compelling and involving musical experience. The Au24 SE cables are something extraordinary and I’m confident that listeners will hear their special qualities immediately.”

“Now that we’re shipping Au24 SE in all speaker cable, interconnect and power cord types, listeners can wire their entire system from source to speaker and enjoy the full benefits Au24 SE provides – greater coherency and transparency, much more decay and subtle reverb cues for instruments and vocals, a greater sense of the room environment and dimensions on a recording, and a richer sound throughout the frequency spectrum.”

The Audience Au24 SE lineup is now available in all new cables. Please consult Audience or an authorized Audience dealer for pricing. Owners of Au24e and Au24 cables can have them upgraded to Au24 SE at prices ranging from $220 to $440; please consult Audience or an authorized Audience dealer for pricing. The Au24e speaker cables, interconnects and power cords will remain available.

See full press release