The ONE Review by Hi Res Audio Central

” Audience ClairAudient’s The ONE reference monitor speakers deliver the transparency and speed of planar speakers, only they’re tiny and not fussy when it comes to positioning.”
Ron Goldberg – July ’14
Read Full Review


1+1 Testimonial

Hi John;
I have the 1+1s playing and they are wonderful little gems — I’ve never
heard my system sound so good. I’m pretty sure they’ve found a permanent
home. Thank you so much.

Paul Kodama from Hawaii


Testimonial for SE Cables and PowerChords

The Au24 SE power cords I purchased last month from Audience, including the SE upgrade I made on my standard AU24 power cord that came with my Audience TSS power conditioner are arguably the most important upgrade I’ve ever made to my system.The SE’s also raise the performance of your TSS power conditioners to a whole new level of performance. A real synergy there. These SE power cords are simply unflappable. No matter how dynamic, complex or brash the music, the SE’s never lose their composure or become strident. They’re masterful at capturing the natural timbres of brass, stringed and woodwind instruments and the human voice. Very important attributes for those of us who love Jazz, Classical, Opera and acoustic music etc. Excuse my rambling , but I was just listening to the Mahler’s incredible 9th symphony and felt inspired to share my thoughts with you!!

Thanks John,

Audience Products Testimonial

JAW DROPPING!!!…I had to collect myself and come back to real time – I was floored! This is the reaction I had when I first became introduced to an Audience AV product. I can still remember the moment as if it’d occurred minutes ago – the experience was that profound! I’m speaking of the Audience AU24 e speaker wire I’d auditioned in my home for the very first time. I’d heard that buying a better speaker wire could make a world of difference in my system. I’d asked my dealer to send me his top choices for speaker wire from 4 high end manufacturers. While all were quite nice NOTHING came close to the Audience AU24 e. And here’s the best part…they only sounded better and better as time passed. I immediately ordered the AU24 SE speaker wire and never looked back. Today, I own Audience AdeptResponse power conditioners, AU24 SE speaker wire, interconnects, digital cables and power cords. And the best part? Well let’s just say this… the window cleaner was cleaning windows in my home the other day while I had music playing on my hi- fi. He remarked “your wife has a strikingly beautiful voice!”. He did not realize it was the hi fi. It sounded so lifelike and real he was convinced the singing was live. Bottom line: Audience plays an integral role in bringing the music to life…making it real!
B. Andrew Miles

Testimonial for aR12 Upgrade, Customer Service

ar12_back Alex,
Once again, thanks to you and John  for all your help, support and consideration.  The word is over used, but in your case it applies. You guys are awesome. My thoughts: Great great products,  Great great customer support and service.  This company is the best.  Had my original AR12 upgraded.  Turn around time was quick, and all done without issues.  I have been around the audio world for more than 40 years and have had many pieces of equipment replaced, upgraded, modified, etc.  I should have been prepared for the improvements reaped from the upgrade.  I wasn’t.  It was everything and more than I could have hoped for or expected. Improvements were not subtle, and to date (has been about a month) find no “nits to pick”,  in all those areas we audiophiles love… quietness, detail, sound staging, PRAT, imaging, etc.,  and that all important, toe tapping, “musicality”. Dealing with John McDonald and Alex Keller is as good as it gets. They are attentive, care about the customer, and clearly have a personal commitment to excellence as reflected in the products, their attention to detail, and customer service. A great big thanks. Robert Prinz