1+1 Testimonial January 2015

Hi John,
I’ve been meaning to email you to express my sincerest gratitude and appreciation for what you have created in the 1+1’s. They are revolutionary and I am indebted. The imaging and depth is simply unbelievable. Although I have had this email on my list and would have gotten to it within a few days, I was inspired to write it now as I listened to the Nebraska soundtrack, which is a compilation of songs by Mark Orton (who makes regular use of banjo, clarinet and the accordion). Admittedly, I was listening to the 1+1’s as background music while I worked. I found myself looking up incredulously at an area 6 feet to the left of the left speaker. This is where, mid-song, the first notes of banjo appeared in the soundstage. I took a double take and positioned myself slightly more perfectly in front of the speakers and closed my eyes. What I heard should not be coming from speakers this size. You’ve truly made listening to music fun again!!!
All my best,

Auricap XO Capacitors Testimonial, December 2014


After maybe 30 hours of musical burn-in, your Auricaps 10uf are truly fantastic! I tried the 1uF XO but finally I easily kept the 1uf Aura-t on my tweeters … Not really astonishing :–)) but the 10uF XOs has replaced with success a well known and highly regarded stacked copper capacitor. I can’t imagine what a 10 uF Aura-t would be capable to do…Just a dream, sad…Nevermind, the Xos are nice too. You know, I still like very much my stacked cast caps but in my current speaker system and also in my Naim amp, your Aura-t and XOs work clearly better for my wife and me, without any doubt and for 30 years, I tried so many high end caps…but never yours till today. Your caps are highly performing and I appreciate over all, their neutrality and their transparency. We can listen every kind of musics from jazz to death metal. (from Jazz at the pawnshop (1976) to Nile today !) I thought that metal music recordings were often very harsh but the Aura-t and also the XOs are able to reproduce the complex textures and amplitude nuances from a saturated guitar without any simplification, the result is a precise, detailled and quite soft timbre for this kind of music (of course) but no shouty sound.Metal with its high compression rate is a difficult challenge for caps and transducers but your aura-T and Xo can easily do it … Today, I am 50 years old and my favourite music is most of time classical, barocco and jazz but sometimes I still like listen to metal and my system today can be as good with these different style of music.

Kind regards,
DIY customer from Switzerland

Au24 SE Cables Review by Doug Blackburn, SoundStage ULTRA

“Audience’s Au24 SE powerChords, interconnects, and speaker cables are the most satisfying wiring products I’ve used in the last 39 years. They sit at the pinnacle of cable performance, and provide an attractive combination of big spaces, a very neutral sound and marvelously balanced performance, from the deepest bass to the highest treble”.
Doug Blackburn – SoundStage ULTRA – October ’14
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Au24 SE PowerChord Review by Doug Blackburn, SoundStage ULTRA

“Audience’s Au24 SE powerChords, interconnects, and speaker cables are the most satisfying wiring products I’ve used in the last 39 years. They sit at the pinnacle of cable performance, and provide an attractive combination of big spaces, a very neutral sound and marvelously balanced performance, from the deepest bass to the highest treble”.
Doug Blackburn – SoundStage ULTRA – October ’14
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Positive Feedback Review of Au24 SE Phono Cables

“Audience has clearly broken the price/performance barrier with their newest Au24 SE phono cables. No matter which cartridge is mounted in the 3D arm—the Lyra, Transfiguration or Koetsu—the Audience brings out the best attributes of each. The dynamics, solidity and resolution of the Atlas: the imaging, preciseness and low level resolution of the Transfiguration; and the realism and sense of space of the Koetsu. Without doubt, these phono cables are clearly at home in any analog system and really bring the music to life.”
Myles B. Astor — Issue #75 September/October ’14
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Testimonial for the Adept Response aR2-TS Power Conditioner

John – just wanted to give you some initial feedback on the aR2-TS. I have been playing it now for about 5 days solidly…..this evening it really changed in character. I would have to say it “opened up” in a way that I’ve not previously heard as clearly in other audio gear. I first noticed it with acoustic guitar…..the guitar sounded like real wood. I switched to some live recording in a bunch of different resolutions. The soundstage was so expanded, the details so clear and obvious, subtleties of the music came through, and more than anything else, the music sounded alive. Many thanks for this great product!! Matt


The ONE Testimonial by Brett Allen, Owner of SnowGhost Recording Studio

I have been using the ONEs over the past year at SnowGhost Music and they have become one of the most important tools in my studio. Many people in the studio world are extremely familiar with classics like Yamaha NS-10s or Auratones, and swear by them for their uncanny ability to translate in the real world on many different systems. The ONEs share that trait, but also go a step further, in providing a level of detail and resolution unmatched for a single-driver, cross-overless design. I prepare mixes almost exclusively in mono on the ONEs before addressing any needs on my larger far-field speakers, and find that I have been able to cut my work in half. I could survive with a good pair of headphones and the ONEs. Thanks Audience, for not only updating a classic and simple speaker design philosophy, but also for far eclipsing it.

Brett Allen, owner of SnowGhost Music