The ONE Testimonial April 2015

John, listening this morning to Charlie Haden & Jim Hall on The ONES I’ve discovered something impossibly pure. Can our hobby be this simple? With my Maggies system there was so much trying. Complexity and frustration. But here is “only the music”. As I learn to appreciate this kind of reproduction, I feel it letting me in. The more I suspend disbelief, the further in I go. In your letter about these personal reference monitors, you state their meaning: “they simply get out of the way.” I understand your company’s mission. With gratitude,  – Dez


1+1 Testimonial January 2015

Hi John,
I’ve been meaning to email you to express my sincerest gratitude and appreciation for what you have created in the 1+1’s. They are revolutionary and I am indebted. The imaging and depth is simply unbelievable. Although I have had this email on my list and would have gotten to it within a few days, I was inspired to write it now as I listened to the Nebraska soundtrack, which is a compilation of songs by Mark Orton (who makes regular use of banjo, clarinet and the accordion). Admittedly, I was listening to the 1+1’s as background music while I worked. I found myself looking up incredulously at an area 6 feet to the left of the left speaker. This is where, mid-song, the first notes of banjo appeared in the soundstage. I took a double take and positioned myself slightly more perfectly in front of the speakers and closed my eyes. What I heard should not be coming from speakers this size. You’ve truly made listening to music fun again!!!
All my best,

The ONE Testimonial by Brett Allen, Owner of SnowGhost Recording Studio

I have been using the ONEs over the past year at SnowGhost Music and they have become one of the most important tools in my studio. Many people in the studio world are extremely familiar with classics like Yamaha NS-10s or Auratones, and swear by them for their uncanny ability to translate in the real world on many different systems. The ONEs share that trait, but also go a step further, in providing a level of detail and resolution unmatched for a single-driver, cross-overless design. I prepare mixes almost exclusively in mono on the ONEs before addressing any needs on my larger far-field speakers, and find that I have been able to cut my work in half. I could survive with a good pair of headphones and the ONEs. Thanks Audience, for not only updating a classic and simple speaker design philosophy, but also for far eclipsing it.

Brett Allen, owner of SnowGhost Music



The ONE Review by Hi Res Audio Central

” Audience ClairAudient’s The ONE reference monitor speakers deliver the transparency and speed of planar speakers, only they’re tiny and not fussy when it comes to positioning.”
Ron Goldberg – July ’14
Read Full Review


1+1 Testimonial

Hi John;
I have the 1+1s playing and they are wonderful little gems — I’ve never
heard my system sound so good. I’m pretty sure they’ve found a permanent
home. Thank you so much.

Paul Kodama from Hawaii
