AIX Records Review of AdeptResponse Conditioner

“In carefully considering the architectural and equipment specifications of my new studio/demonstration room, I chose only the best. Audience Cables and their Power Conditioner deliver the kind of reproduction quality that our high resolution recordings demand.”
Mark Waldrep, Ph.D. – Aug ’06  Equipment List


Soundstage Reviews for Au24 Cables, 2004, 2006

“Can you tell that I like this stuff? My customers certainly do. But don’t trust me — I’m only one set of ears. Find a dealer and take some Audience cables home for a try.”
Bill Brooks – Jan ’06  Read Full Review

“Its sound is fast, open and transparent. The Au24 S/PDIF cable proved to be something of a sonic enigma — its signature was only identifiable in relation to the other cables. On its own, it offers a large portion of every positive attribute and no discernible sins. Most notably, compared to the I2Digital cable, the Au24 portrays density along with the speed and openness. Images are full and weighty; in video terms, I would say that the picture is more color-saturated. All of the detail is there, but the perspective is different — the music is portrayed in a more tangible way.” 
Marc Mickelson – Dec ’04
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“The Audience Au24 interconnects and speaker cables are commendably neutral and natural, and they help you forget about chasing the pot o’ gold at the end of the audiophile rainbow. These are attributes that the best cable should embody. I expected a cable so tiny to limit dynamics, but nothing like this happened – even with amplifiers up to 250wpc. Also, spouses and decorators are going to find a small-diameter cable like this a lot more domestically acceptable than a music hose or other visually distracting cables.”
Doug Blackburn – Mar ’03  Print Version

“They are among the best cables at any price… given an honest chance (as honest as they are in their signal delivery), you very well may find yourself regarding them as cables that put a smile on your face and joy before your ears.”
Jim Merod – Feb ’04


Positive Feedback Review of Au24 Cables, 2002, 2005

“Backgrounds are quieter, especially on older analog recordings. Micro dynamic events are rendered with superior detail and in more realistic scale, and thereby take on a greater musical significance, most likely attributable to the enhanced sense of the “darker” background. There is a general sense of ease and organic-ness to the overall presentation; it is akin to the sound of good analog in that respect. Whether that is due to an overall coherence the cable offers, or perhaps a very good impedance match, I can’t say. But, it offers a more nuanced presentation, much closer to live music than I have had with ANY other cable I’ve auditioned; and believe me, I’ve played with more than a few.”
Greg Weaver – May ’05  Read Full Review
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I find that the system as a whole with Au24 interconnects and speaker cable running from one end to the other now sounds more natural than it did with Valhalla. I am significantly less aware of “The System” and its sonic virtues, and more aware of musicians and music”.
Robert Neill – Oct ’02  
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“Everything that passes through the Au24s comes out sounding pleasing – not sweet, not pretty, pleasing, and where appropriate, even elegant… I found I was now listening to my reference Valhallas as if they were the newcomers up for review”.
Robert Neill – Oct ’02
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Conductor Review by GoodSound February 2005

“The cables you choose should leave you with no doubt that better performance can be had only at a far greater cost that would be out of proportion with the cost of the rest of your system. The Conductor cables from Audience fit this description well. I can think of no good reason to spend more on cables for an affordably priced system. While using the Audiences, I never once longed for more. The Conductor is the affordable cable I’ll be recommending to friends and family.”
Eric Hetherington – Feb ’05   Read Full Review


The Absolute Sound Review of Au24 Cables, 2005

“The SA-11S1’s terrific CD sound tempted me to compare it to my CD references–a Theta Generation VIII DAC driven by a Mark Levinson No.31.5 transport via the excellent Audience Au24 AES/EBU interconnect.”
Robert Harley – Feb/Mar ’05


PFO Writers’ Choice Award 2004 for Au24 Cables

“I have used many brands of cable over the past three decades, including, but not limited to; Monster (the entire gamut of their products), Fulton, Polk, Cardas, JPS, D.H. Labs, Kimber, MIT, Audio Quest, Straight Wire, Herron Audio, Transparent, Gortz Alpha-Core, Silver Audio, Silver Circle Audio, Analysis Plus, Harmonic Technology, and now, the Audience Au24’s. While I am able to note the differences every cable makes when inserted into my system, the Au24 marks the most fundamentally musical shift in performance I have yet to experience. In addition, that transformation has been universal in my experiments across equipment with price tags ranging from $200 to $8000. Don’t let these skinny little blue cables escape your attention. These are world-class cables that, given the price tags of some of their portentous peers, represent an excellent value as well.”
Greg Weaver – Writers’ Choice Awards – Dec ’04 
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On Sound and Music Review of Au24 Cables, August 2004

“Inserting the Audience Au24 S/PDIF digital cable between my transport and upsampler, it is as if I have found the musical mother lode. The nuances and balance the Au24 communicates are so immediately apparent and welcomed that I am just in awe of this cable right now. I have never noted a greater step toward musicality with any other digital cable at any price.” 
Greg Weaver – Aug ’04
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