10 Audio Review of Aura-T Capacitors


“The Aura-T capacitors will never be replaced! These are exotic dancers of the Kingdom of Audio, removing well-known veils to enable the listener to hear far deeper into every note than was ever possible, even compared to the exceptionally transparent Placette Passive Line Stage. The improvements are noticeable throughout the frequency range, but especially in the upper midrange and treble where a higher level of information has been revealed. Voices are more present in the room. Percussion instruments have a “striking” immediacy that obviously narrows the differences between live and recorded music.”
June ’08 Read Full Review

Audience Cables Testimonial, May 2008

Hi John,  I have purchased the PowerChord recently to be used on my integrated amplifier. The very first thing I noticed is the noise floor was lowered tremendously. The sound was cleaner and natural with improved imaging. My mom and dad can also hear the improvement even though they are not into hifi. The cord did not enhance any frequency range unlike other cords that I owned. My system is now wired with all Audience cables which consists of the Au24 IC, Maestro loudspeaker cables and PowerChord. I have numerous cables and none is as good as the Audience. You just hooked them up and enjoy the music. I would strongly recommend the Audience cables wholeheartedly as I have experienced it myself and amazed by it. How do I come to know about your cables? Well, I was actually looking for a pair of speaker cables to match my new speaker, so I put up a post in the forum and someone recommended Audience and the rest was history….If funds allow, I will change my speaker cables to Au24….Cheers,

Richard Wang — May 08

Customer Service Testimonial, May 2008

Gentlemen, You have gone far beyond the phrase “good customer service”.
I’m the guy with the cat that likes to eat AU24 cables. I received the package from you on Tuesday. I still can’t believe you sent me replacement cables! This is one of the most gracious acts of customer service I have ever experienced. Thank You! I’m a customer for life (already own 5 pairs of au24, au24 speaker cables, and a couple of Conductor cables). I use your products due to two very good (audio) people- Bobby Palkovic @ Merlin speakers and John Guidi @ Evolution Audio. Again, thank you! Sincerely,

James Van der Zee — May 08

Mono and Stereo aR6 Conditioner Review

“Audience Adept Response aR6 should be more than satisfying to any stereo music lover. I can only highly recommend it to anyone who is pursuing the high end reproduction system. $2,800 is a lot of money. But when you’re building the high end system you don’t want to save with quality power handling. It’s a building block of high quality playback system.”
Matej Isak — April ’08 Read Full Review


Positive Feedback Review of aR6, March 2008

“I am now hearing deeper, and with greater definition and detail into the music. Most importantly, that slight metallic sound I had in my system before placing the aR6 in my rig is now gone. Both micro and macro dynamics improved along with soundstaging which is now larger. Soundstaging has become more three dimensional on all planes of the musical stage.  Images that sounded slightly opaque and recessed are now more pronounced and brought to the forefront and with greater clarity.”
Jeff Parks – March ’08 Read Full Review


aR1p Testimonial, 2008

The aR1p is an awesome device. I took it home and tried it on a few different devices and found the best use for it on a daily basis is on my stereo amplifier. I often check mixes on my home stereo B&W speakers and have found by running my amp through the conditioner it makes a noticeable difference on the high end of the speakers. I have always loved the sound of the Nautilus tweeter and the aR1p seems to clean the amp so that any high frequency jitter is removed and the sound is very smooth and clear.  When I have the opportunity to record at my home studio I will often plug my mic preamp into the aR1p there is always a clarity difference when I use it. I have noticed a huge difference when recording vocals using the aR1p. The human voice is one of the most difficult instruments to record and with the aR1p I get an extra 10-20% gain in sound quality. Thanks again for the use. Hope to see you soon.

Dominic Robelotto
Senior Audio Engineer and Associate Producer
AIX Records

10 Audio Review of Au24e Cables, March 2008

Audience Au24 “e” Loudspeaker Cables 
“We usually associate an increase in detail or resolution with some unwanted side effect, such as dryness, thinness, brightness, or some other negative “-ness” that is a definite compromise. Get more of “this”, but less of “that”. With the new “e” cable, there is more of the “this”, but no less of the “that”. There is an increase of smoothness, detail and resolution all across the frequency range without any sense, even a subtle one, that any compromise has been made.  But make no mistake, for a small increase in cost the higher level of musical enjoyment is substantial.”
March ’08    Read Full Review

PowerChord Review by Positive Feedback

“Audience’s powerChord is something special among high-end power cords. Uncommonly flexible, the powerChord is refreshingly easy to install and place. Essentially neutral, the powerChord successfully combines high levels of resolution and coherence with a relaxed, musical presentation that draws the listener into the performance. With its overachieving performance and relatively low price, Audience’s powerChord merits an unqualified recommendation.”
John Acton – March ’08 Read Full Review