Au24e Testimonial, January 2008

A few comments about the new “E” version of the Au24 interconnect after an initial listen. The basic character of the cable is retained. Tonally very neutral. Timbrally accurate. Just gets out of the way. Where I hear the big difference is in what I’ll refer to as speed or timing. To me the cable sounds very fast-perhaps warp speed. By this I mean leading edge transients on instruments like cymbals, acoustic guitar and piano are portrayed with speed and clarity adding a sense of realism. On acoustic bass the leading edge of notes seem crisper and tightly controlled. The initial slap heard before the thud of a kick drum is more apparent. Sibilants are not exaggerated but seem clearer and more natural. Sounds seem to emanate with clarity from a more focused space within the soundstage. Harmonics are portrayed without excessive bloom which will probably make for a good match with tube based systems such as mine. I suppose this all hinges on getting leading edge transient information timed properly so that the ear/brain mechanism can interpret it as more lifelike. Overall, very impressive.

Robert Townsend — Jan 08

Au24 Testimonial, December 2007

Dear John, I made a plunge of getting the Au24 interconnect (XLR) a couple of weeks ago and guess what? The sound was amazing. The bass was cleaner, deeper and more accurate. The treble was sweet, natural and neutral. The background noise was lowered tremendously. The music was more involving and intimate. I can hear more detail that was not heard before. My system has improved greatly with the purchased of the Maestro loudspeaker cables 3 months ago and with the Au24 IC in place, it has transformed my system into a winning formula! It have to be heard to believe. Exceptional.

Richard — Dec 07

aR6 Testimonial, December 2007

Dear Mr. McDonald, I have just received my new Adept Response aR6 yesterday and I can tell you that, though I understand the unit needs at least 100 hours of brake-in in order for the listener to experience the full potential of the conditioner, I can already hear a distinct difference in my music system. In one word,the overall sound of my system is more engaging and there is a glow around the performance that I did not experience before. I congratulate you on a superb piece of equipment, which is going to enhance dramatically my entire music system and increase my listening enjoyment. I am simply excited about the whole experience! Cheers,

John Gerdes — Dec 07

aR6 Testimonial, December 2007

Dan, The aR6 continues to flabbergast me everyday.  I had no idea a power conditioner could elevate my entire system by this order of magnitude.  It is special for sure.

Doug “Buck” Rogers — Dec 07

SoundStage Review of aR6 Conditioners

“The improvement in audio quality the aR6 produces is significant and easily audible — it gives music an exciting character that’s habit-forming.” “Every voice, every instrument had an aura of excitement I don’t hear from other power-conditioning products. Dynamic prowess and harmonic richness were enhanced, and there was something happening with the timing as well.” “The degree of improvement is on a level that sends dedicated audiophiles into hours of debate and comparisons in their quest to elevate the performance of their systems to new heights. If the aR6 represents your sonic direction and price point, you can’t do better.”
Doug Blackburn – Nov ’07 Print Version


aR6 Testimonial, September 2007

I am so happy I waited to purchase your recommended power conditioner. Going on 2 years, I have remarked how strongly I feel about my systems merit. That is, until I started up the aR6. It is remarkable how much deeper into the music my system takes me now! A veil has been lifted from even deeper space. Let me use my college education to elaborate…..WOW! Your recommended Adept Response power conditioner has raised the bar! Thank you, John.

Michael Shulman –- Sept 07