The ONE Review by Bob Reina, Stereophile

“Audience’s ClairAudient ONE is an extraordinary speaker with superb resolution of detail, excellent dynamic contrasts, and subtle articulation of transients. It’s capable of providing satisfying, involving uncolored long-term listening over a broad range of music”.
Bob Reina – September ’13
Read Full Review


Review aR6-TSS: Robert Harley once said to me “You need a power conditioner.”

“Like TAS editor Robert Harley once said to me “You need a power conditioner.” I have one now. It’s the Audience aR6-TSS.

With all my components plugged into the Audience conditioner, violins were unfailingly silkier, voices and instruments emerged from a blacker sonic background with more nuance and dimension to them, soundstaging was grander, and imaging and spatial cues startling. The aR6-TSS contributed a remarkable refinement and brought real precision to my system.”
Garrett Hongo, reviewer
The Absolute Sound
Issue 235, September 2013Full review here


“the absolute sound” Review of Audience Au24SE Cable

“All of the Audience’s sterling qualities were evident right from the outset. The Audience is an extremely quiet and neutral cable. Its whiplash speed and transparency can become addictive, but it will not appeal to those searching for a cable that supplies additional perceived warmth or body. Instead, it exudes a quiet authority that makes it a very promising candidate for anyone searching for a first-rate phono cable”.
Jacob Heilbrunn — July ’13 Read Full Review