Positive Feedback Review of frontRow Loudspeaker Cables

“The frontRow suite achieves the implicit goal of every serious high-end review—fidelity to the source. It is uncanny how they make the footprint of electrical devices almost undetectable, bringing you closer to the source. To a very large extent the frontRow speaker cables and interconnects step aside. (The powerChords do it, too, but have more color and personality.) The frontRow suite completely satisfies the primary Golden Rule.”
Marshall Nack – Feb ’21
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Audio Beatnik Review of frontRow Cables

Product of the Year
“The Audience frontRow cables have put them in a whole new ballgame, not just for Audience cables, but also for all audio cables. Not only are they in a new ballgame, but it’s the World Series, and for the time being, Audience has won and is the champion. …I’ve never reviewed any cables I could recommend as highly as I do the Audience frontRow cables!”
Jack Roberts Dec ’19 Read Full Review