Positive Feedback Review of Hidden Treasure Ethernet, frontRow USB Cables

“The audience for high performance audio is extensive and varied, but whatever one’s system construction or listening preferences, the Hidden Treasure Ethernet and frontRow USB cables are most highly recommended, individually or together. I’ve recently taken to describing my soundstage as Sonic Cinemascope. Take your seat and enjoy the show.”
Bruce Kinch – Aug ’24
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Positive Feedback Review of frontRow Loudspeaker Cables

“The frontRow suite achieves the implicit goal of every serious high-end review—fidelity to the source. It is uncanny how they make the footprint of electrical devices almost undetectable, bringing you closer to the source. To a very large extent the frontRow speaker cables and interconnects step aside. (The powerChords do it, too, but have more color and personality.) The frontRow suite completely satisfies the primary Golden Rule.”
Marshall Nack – Feb ’21
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