Positive Feedback Review of Auric Illuminator
“I have tried the Auric Illuminator on about a dozen other CDs so far, and the improvement is instantly obvious. You don’t have to strain to hear it. I was especially surprised at the improvement in the bass, but I suppose it is due to an overall improvement in dynamics, and the bass just improves to a level equal to that of the other ranges. By the way, Auric Illuminator still works wonders on DVDs. After viewing a DVD untreated, I used the Auric Illuminator and watched again. Not only was the audio clearer and more focused, but the video was positively glorious. All the colors were saturated and stood out beautifully. Highly recommended.”
Ed Morawski — Nov ’04 Read Full Review
Stereo Times Auricap Review
Modifying the TacT Room Correction System : Digital Tweaking Inside and Outside the Box
Dan Evert – Aug ’04 Print Version