2017, 2016, 2015 TAS Editors’ Choice Award for Audience Au24 SE powerChord

Audience Au24 SE powerChord
“The SE brings to the table new connectors with higher-quality metallurgy and lower-mass terminations making for an across-the-board sonic improvement to an already excellent line of products.”Offered in three versions: low-power for DACs, preamps, and phonostages; medium-power for lower-powered integrated amplifiers; and high-power for power amplifiers.
NG 219, RH 245, JHb 249
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All 2017 Editors’ Choice Award Products


Au24 SE PowerChord Review by Doug Blackburn, SoundStage ULTRA

“Audience’s Au24 SE powerChords, interconnects, and speaker cables are the most satisfying wiring products I’ve used in the last 39 years. They sit at the pinnacle of cable performance, and provide an attractive combination of big spaces, a very neutral sound and marvelously balanced performance, from the deepest bass to the highest treble”.
Doug Blackburn – SoundStage ULTRA – October ’14
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